KOTX issues State Forecast Tabular Product (SFT) valid 2024-05-31T20:24:00ZKOTX issues State Forecast Tabular Product (SFT) valid 2024-05-31T20:24:00Z004-026-027-WAZ031>038-041-043>044-047>049-011200-
Tabular State Forecast for Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
National Weather Service Spokane WA
124 PM PDT Fri May 31 2024
Rows Include...
Daily predominant daytime weather 6am-6pm
Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high
Probability of precipitation nighttime 6pm-6am/daytime 6am-6pm
- indicates temperatures below zero
MM indicates missing data
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Jun 01 Jun 02 Jun 03 Jun 04 Jun 05 Jun 06 Jun 07
...Eastern Washington...
Spokane Airport
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
47/72 48/68 53/63 42/65 47/74 50/80 53/85
10/10 00/80 100/90 30/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
Spokane Downtown
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
48/72 50/70 54/64 44/65 49/76 52/82 55/86
10/10 10/90 100/100 40/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
Deer Park
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
42/69 44/66 49/62 39/63 43/73 45/80 49/84
10/10 10/80 100/100 40/30 10/00 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
47/71 44/66 50/63 39/65 44/73 47/80 52/85
10/10 10/80 90/90 20/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
48/72 45/66 50/64 40/66 44/73 47/80 53/84
20/20 10/80 90/80 10/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
Grand Coulee
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
54/76 51/70 54/69 46/71 51/78 52/85 58/89
10/10 10/80 90/70 20/20 10/00 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Tstrms Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
43/69 45/68 50/60 40/61 45/73 47/80 51/86
10/20 10/90 100/100 60/40 20/10 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
41/68 42/67 45/63 35/62 40/73 42/80 47/86
20/30 20/80 100/100 40/40 20/10 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Tstrms Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
45/68 43/66 47/64 36/65 41/74 44/81 50/86
40/40 20/80 100/90 30/30 20/10 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
51/75 47/69 51/70 43/70 46/78 49/84 53/88
20/20 10/70 80/70 20/20 10/00 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
48/70 44/66 48/63 40/67 44/72 45/80 51/85
20/20 20/80 90/80 30/40 20/10 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
57/74 52/68 55/65 47/70 51/76 54/83 60/88
10/10 20/70 80/60 30/30 10/00 00/00 10/10
Moses Lake
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
50/78 48/70 53/70 44/72 47/81 50/85 56/91
10/10 10/80 80/50 10/10 00/00 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
48/74 47/68 51/65 41/68 46/76 50/82 55/86
10/10 10/80 90/80 10/10 10/00 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
46/69 47/66 52/60 41/63 47/72 50/77 53/81
10/10 00/80 100/100 30/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
45/70 47/66 50/61 40/64 46/72 48/79 52/83
10/10 00/90 100/100 30/20 10/00 00/10 10/10
...Northern Idaho...
Bonners Ferry
Mocldy Shwrs Rain Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
46/69 48/68 52/60 44/60 46/73 49/81 53/85
00/20 20/80 100/100 70/30 30/10 00/00 10/10
Mocldy Shwrs Tstrms Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
44/66 46/65 51/57 42/59 46/70 47/77 51/81
00/20 20/90 100/100 70/40 30/10 00/10 10/20
Coeur d'Alene
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
46/69 47/67 52/60 43/60 47/72 49/78 53/82
00/10 10/90 100/100 50/30 20/00 00/10 10/10
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
46/68 51/65 54/56 44/58 49/70 52/79 56/83
00/10 10/90 100/100 70/40 30/10 10/10 10/20
Saint Maries
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny Sunny
44/70 49/68 53/59 43/63 48/73 50/81 54/84
00/10 10/90 100/100 60/40 20/10 10/10 10/10
Mocldy Ptcldy Rain Ptcldy Sunny Sunny Sunny
51/78 54/75 59/68 48/73 52/81 56/86 60/88
10/10 00/80 100/100 30/20 10/00 00/10 10/10