KLWX issues Marine Weather Warning (MWW) valid 2024-05-31T21:09:00ZKLWX issues Marine Weather Warning (MWW) valid 2024-05-31T21:09:00Z543-312215- /O.CAN.KLWX.SC.Y.0100.000000T0000Z-240531T2200Z/ Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 509 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds have diminished. $$ ]]>