<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#c045b789ed4e915576de3f86bf537ba0" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KSGF issues Supplementary Temp and Precip (HYD) valid 2024-05-31T21:30:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KSGF issues Supplementary Temp and Precip (HYD) valid 2024-05-31T21:30:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.5787" issue="2024-05-31T21:30:00Z" ttaaii="SXUS53" cccc="KSGF" awipsid="HYDSGF"><![CDATA[ 325 SXUS53 KSGF 312132 HYDSGF 011230- Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary National Weather Service Springfield MO 430 PM CDT Fri May 31 2024 Bull Shoals Lake 667.03 feet and 0.29 Beaver Lake 1124.53 feet and -0.09 Norfork Lake 558.28 feet and 0.06 Table Rock Lake 917.35 feet and -0.07 Lake Taneycomo 701.17 feet and -1.05 Taneycomo Tail 666.90 feet and 0.23 Stockton Lake 871.29 feet and -0.18 Pomme de Terre Lake 843.70 feet and -0.52 Truman Lake 710.23 feet and -0.35 Lake of the Ozarks 658.70 feet and -0.20 Grand Lake 744.64 feet and -0.28 St. Thomas - Osage River 10.44 feet and -0.85 $$ ]]></x><stanza-id xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" id="8ba6129d-837f-4e3b-b2d2-b4a2f99cc1db" by="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov"/></message>