<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#c045b789ed4e915576de3f86bf537ba0" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KEKA issues RWR valid 2024-05-31T21:00:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KEKA issues RWR valid 2024-05-31T21:00:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.5929" issue="2024-05-31T21:00:00Z" ttaaii="ASUS46" cccc="KEKA" awipsid="RWREKA"><![CDATA[ 470 ASUS46 KEKA 312140 RWREKA Eureka Area Weather Roundup National Weather Service Eureka CA 200 PM PDT FRI MAY 31 2024 Note: "fair" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility. Southwest Oregon... CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS MEDFORD SUNNY 79 42 26 CALM 29.93F KLAMATH FALLS SUNNY 75 35 23 VRB3 30.04F NORTH BEND SUNNY 63 47 55 N24 30.05F ROSEBURG SUNNY 74 45 35 N7G20 30.01F SEXTON SUMMIT SUNNY 70 45 40 CALM 30.05F BROOKINGS SUNNY 78 50 37 W8 29.91F Northwest California... CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS CRESCENT CITY SUNNY 59 47 64 N13G24 29.95F MCKINLEYVILLE SUNNY 57 48 72 NW9 29.98S EUREKA SUNNY 59 32 36 NW8 29.99S FORTUNA SUNNY 59 50 72 W15 29.99S TRINITY CENTER SUNNY 86 36 16 VRB6 29.88F UKIAH SUNNY 94 49 21 CALM 29.81F HX 90 North & Central California... CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS YREKA SUNNY 82 39 21 MISG 29.96F MOUNT SHASTA SUNNY 81 43 26 VRB5 29.97F REDDING SUNNY 95 38 13 VRB3 29.78F HX 90 RED BLUFF SUNNY 95 38 13 NE5 29.79F HX 90 CHICO SUNNY 91 41 17 SW6 29.80 YUBA CITY SUNNY 92 49 22 VRB6 29.79F SACRAMENTO SUNNY 92 48 22 W7 29.79F SANTA ROSA SUNNY 85 51 31 S12 29.84S NAPA SUNNY 78 56 46 S14 29.84F TRAVIS AFB NOT AVBL SAN FRANCISCO SUNNY 70 51 51 NW22G30 29.86F OAKLAND SUNNY 73 53 49 NW14 29.86F STOCKTON NOT AVBL SALINAS SUNNY 67 51 56 NW15 29.90F MONTEREY SUNNY 64 50 60 W17 29.92S $$ ]]></x><stanza-id xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" id="e135d1ae-606d-4c98-a512-3e28d8f5376c" by="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov"/></message>