<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#a20cc823625d586c32d7eedaf70a07b1" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KGYX issues Regional Temperature and Precipitation (RTP) valid 2024-06-01T00:25:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KGYX issues Regional Temperature and Precipitation (RTP) valid 2024-06-01T00:25:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.645" issue="2024-06-01T00:25:00Z" ttaaii="ASUS61" cccc="KGYX" awipsid="RTPGYX"><![CDATA[


ASUS61 KGYX 010025


Maine And New Hampshire

National Weather Service Gray ME

825 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

High temperature today since 2 am

Low temperature today since 2 am

24 hour precipitation ending at 8 pm

Snow depth at 8 pm

.Br gyx  0531 es dh19/tairzs/tairzi/ppdrzz/sfdrzz/sdirzz 


:  ...Maine...


:                                Max     Min              Snow   Snow

:Id         Location             Temp    Temp    Pcpn     Fall   Depth

 AUG :  Augusta - ASOS        :  76   /  50  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 BGR :  Bangor - ASOS         :  74   /  46  /     T   /    M /    M  

 BHB :  Bar Harbor - AWOS     :  73   /  43  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 CAR :  Caribou - ASOS        :  68   /  39  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 FVE :  Frenchville - ASOS    :  66   /  38  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 IZG :  Fryeburg - ASOS       :  76   /  39  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 GYX :  Gray - NWS            :  74   /  52  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 GNR :  Greenville - ASOS     :  68   /  45  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 HUL :  Houlton - ASOS        :  67   /  36  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 LEW :  Lewiston/Auburn AWOS  :   M   /   M  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 MLT :  Millinocket - ASOS    :  71   /  41  /     T   /    M /    M  

 PWM :  Portland - ASOS       :  75   /  47  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 PQI :  Presque Isle - AWOS   :  66   /  41  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 RKD :  Rockland - AWOS       :  70   /  44  /     T   /    M /    M  

 SFM :  Sanford - AWOS        :  76   /  41  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 WVL :  Waterville - AWOS     :  74   /  46  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 IWI :  Wiscasset - ASOS      :  60   /  44  /     M   /    M /    M  


:  ...New Hampshire...


:                                Max     Min              Snow   Snow

:Id         Location             Temp    Temp    Pcpn     Fall   Depth

 BML :  Berlin - ASOS         :  72   /  31  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 CON :  Concord - ASOS        :  77   /  40  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 AFN :  Jaffrey - ASOS        :  74   /  41  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 EEN :  Keene - AWOS          :  74   /  39  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 LCI :  Laconia - AWOS        :  74   /  42  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 LEB :  Lebanon - ASOS        :  76   /  37  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 MHT :  Manchester - ASOS     :  79   /  49  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 MWN :  Mount Washington      :  42   /  32  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 ASH :  Nashua  - AWOS        :  77   /  44  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 PSM :  Portsmouth            :  78   /  47  /   0.00  /   0.0/    0  

 DAW :  Rochester - ASOS      :  78   /  50  /   0.00  /    M /    M  

 HIE :  Whitefield - ASOS     :  70   /  30  /   0.00  /    M /    M  


 These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality

 control by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

 Therefore these data are subject to revision. Final and certified

 climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov.



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