KBOU issues SRG valid 2024-06-01T01:15:00ZKBOU issues SRG valid 2024-06-01T01:15:00Z= 800 fpm Excellent >= 400 and < 800 fpm Good >= 200 and < 400 fpm Fair < 200 fpm Poor Time of Overdevelopment - The time one or more of the following phenomena, which essentially shut off thermal lift, is expected to occur: 1. formation of broken to overcast convective cloud cover 2. formation of scattered to numerous downbursts 3. initiation of widespread precipitation Time of Trigger Temperature - The time the surface temperature is expected to reach the trigger temperature. Trigger Temperature - The surface temperature required to make the first 4000 feet of the atmosphere dry adiabatic. Wave Soaring Index - An empirical, adjective rating (for sailplanes) which attempts to combine a variety of phenomena important in mountain wave soaring into a single index number. Objective points are assigned to these phenomena: wind speed and direction at 14,000 ft MSL, the static stability in the 12,000-18,000 ft MSL layer, the wind speed gradient above the stable layer, jet stream location and frontal and upper trough movements. 042613 ]]>