<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#a20cc823625d586c32d7eedaf70a07b1" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KLWX issues Regional Temperature and Precipitation (RTP) valid 2024-06-01T01:51:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KLWX issues Regional Temperature and Precipitation (RTP) valid 2024-06-01T01:51:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.3023" issue="2024-06-01T01:51:00Z" ttaaii="ASUS61" cccc="KLWX" awipsid="RTPLWX"><![CDATA[


ASUS61 KLWX 010151


Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for the Mid-Atlantic

National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC

951 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

Values represent highs and lows since 1 AM LST (06 UTC), 

and precipitation over the last 24 hours (since 7 PM 

LST yesterday).



:                             Max   Min

:ID        Location          Temp  Temp    Pcpn


: First-order and climate sites

BWI  : Balt-Wash Marshall  :   77 /  51 /  0.00

CHO  : Charlottesville AP  :   78 /  52 /  0.00

DCA  : Reagan National AP  :   77 /  56 /  0.00

DMH  : Baltimore Inner Hrb.:   80 /  59 /  0.00

HGR  : Hagerstown Rgnl AP  :   75 /  49 /     M

IAD  : Dulles Intl Airport :   77 /  50 /  0.00

MRB  : Eastern WV Rgnl AP  :   74 /  48 /  0.00

NAK  : Annapolis Naval Acad:   76 /  60 /    T 


: Climate and COOP network automated sites

CHAV2: Monticello CRN      :   71 /  50 /  0.00

DALV2: Dale Enterprise     :   71 /  43 /     M


: AWOS and military sites

:(precip data may be incomplete or unavailable)

2G4  : Garrett Co Airport  :   66 /  43 / 

2W6  : St. Marys Co Rgnl AP:   72 /  52 /  0.00

8W2  : New Market Airport  :   76 /  41 /  0.00

ADW  : Andrews AFB         :   75 /  52 /    T 

APG  : Aberdeen Proving Grd:   61 /  52 /  0.00

CBE  : Cumberland Rgnl AP  :   76 /  42 /  0.00

CGS  : College Park Airport:   75 /  51 / 

CJR  : Culpeper Regional AP:   75 /  49 /  0.00

DAA  : Davison Army Airfld :   77 /  49 /  0.00

DMW  : Carroll Co. Rgnl AP :   79 /  54 / 

EZF  : Fredericksburg AP   :   75 /  52 /  0.00

FDK  : Frederick Airport   :   77 /  50 / 

FME  : Tipton AP/Ft. Meade :   72 /  46 / 

FRR  : Front Royal Airport :   73 /  43 /  0.00

GAI  : Gaithersburg Airport:   74 /  46 /     M

GVE  : Gordonsville Airport:   74 /  53 /  0.00

HEF  : Manassas Regional AP:   75 /  54 /  0.00

HWY  : Warrenton-Fauquier  :   76 /  46 /  0.00

JYO  : Leesburg Exec AP    :   73 /  52 / 

LUA  : Luray Caverns AP    :   81 /  41 /  0.00

MTN  : Martin State AP     :   75 /  54 / 

NHK  : Patuxent River NAS  :   76 /  63 /  0.00

NUI  : Webster Naval AP    :   74 /  54 /  0.00

NYG  : Quantico Marine Base:   77 /  54 /  0.00

OKV  : Winchester Rgnl AP  :   72 /  46 /  0.00

OMH  : Orange Co. Airport  :   72 /  52 /  0.00

RMN  : Stafford Rgnl AP    :   76 /  49 /  0.00

SHD  : Shenandoah Rgnl AP  :   73 /  40 /  0.00

VBW  : Bridgewater Air Park:    M /   M /  0.00

W13  : Waynesboro Airport  :   72 /  43 /  0.00

W99  : Grant County AP     :   73 /  39 /  0.00


These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality 

control by the Center for Weather and Climate, part of the National 

Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data 

are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be 

accessed at www.ncdc.noaa.gov.

Additional data from across the area can be found in the 

HYDLWX product.


]]></x><stanza-id xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" id="1c72122e-81f9-4317-b6f9-4ed08c8c5967" by="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov"/></message>