<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#902f419e98f785837567c46bca973065" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KBOU issues Flood Advisory (FLS) valid 2024-06-01T05:15:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KBOU issues Flood Advisory (FLS) valid 2024-06-01T05:15:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.8320" issue="2024-06-01T05:15:00Z" ttaaii="WGUS85" cccc="KBOU" awipsid="FLSBOU"><![CDATA[ 126 WGUS85 KBOU 010515 FLSBOU Flood Advisory National Weather Service Denver CO 1115 PM MDT Fri May 31 2024 COC039-073-010525- /O.EXP.KBOU.FA.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-240601T0515Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elbert CO-Lincoln CO- 1115 PM MDT Fri May 31 2024 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The Flood Advisory has expired for a portion of east central Colorado, including the following areas, Elbert and Lincoln. The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please heed any remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3923 10371 3923 10369 3919 10358 3911 10345 3911 10342 3909 10339 3904 10336 3895 10327 3890 10325 3887 10326 3878 10336 3878 10350 3881 10361 3889 10362 3893 10364 3894 10366 3901 10369 3910 10376 3920 10375 $$ Barjenbruch ]]></x><stanza-id xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" id="1383c10f-939a-4571-afab-caf2dc9e6775" by="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov"/></message>