<message to="mfannin2@nwws-oi.weather.gov/jaxl#1493fd2fcdaabe78229b7f8e230cc768" type="groupchat" from="nwws@conference.nwws-oi.weather.gov/nwws-oi"><body>KJAX issues Fire Weather Planning Forecast (FWF) valid 2024-06-01T06:47:00Z</body><html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">KJAX issues Fire Weather Planning Forecast (FWF) valid 2024-06-01T06:47:00Z</body></html><x xmlns="nwws-oi" id="nwws_processor.1316" issue="2024-06-01T06:47:00Z" ttaaii="FNUS52" cccc="KJAX" awipsid="FWFJAX"><![CDATA[


FNUS52 KJAX 010647


Fire Weather Planning Forecast for Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia

National Weather Service Jacksonville FL

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024



Fairly dry conditions continue for inland zones today with gradually

moistening conditions through the week with afternoon humidities 

trending higher day after day. Easterly winds and deep mixing, 

especially inland, will lead to pockets of high dispersion. 

Dispersions moderate Sunday and Monday as transport flow trends 

lighter. Beginning Sunday and continuing through the upcoming week, 

spotty afternoon convection should develop along the sea breezes each

day with isolated t'storms possible. Coverage of showers will not be

substantial and unlikely to saturate the currently dry fuels.

FOG POTENTIAL AND OTHER REMARKS...No significant fog development 



Western Hamilton-

Including the cities of West Lake, Blue Springs, 

and Suwannee River Station

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-2)      68 (+1)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+4)      83 (+9)      51           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  SE  2 G5     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  4 G8     SE  4 G8     S  2 G5      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6600         500          5300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE  9        SE  8        SW  7        

Dispersion Index      71           4            48           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 50 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 44 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 47 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Eastern Hamilton-

Including the cities of Jasper, Jennings, Belmont, and White Springs

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-2)      67 (0)       90           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+4)      85 (+10)     51           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G11                  SE  2 G4     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  5 G10     SE  4 G10    SE  2 G4     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6500         500          5700         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 10        E 12         SW  7        

Dispersion Index      74           4            52           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 49 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Houston, Live Oak, McAlpin, Newburn, 

and Suwannee Springs

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-3)      67 (0)       89           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+5)      84 (+9)      49           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  6 G11     E  6 G11     S  3 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6900         500          5800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE  9        SE  9        SW  6        

Dispersion Index      81           4            59           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 50 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Northern Columbia-

Including the cities of Winfield and Suwannee Valley

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-2)      66 (0)       90           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+4)      85 (+10)     49           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  5 G11                  SE  2 G4     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  6 G11     SE  5 G10    SE  2 G4     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6400         500          5900         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         E 13         S  6         

Dispersion Index      74           4            50           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 45 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Southeastern Columbia-

Including the cities of Lake City, Lulu, and Watertown

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-2)      66 (-1)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+5)      83 (+8)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G11     E  6 G11     E  3 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6700         500          5900         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         E 14         S  6         

Dispersion Index      81           4            52           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 45 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Southwestern Columbia-

Including the cities of Columbia and Oleno State Park

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      90 (-2)      66 (0)       91           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+6)      84 (+8)      48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  SE  4 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G12     E  7 G12     SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6900         500          6000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         E 14         S  6         

Dispersion Index      85           4            63           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds up to 10 mph. 




Including the cities of Macclenny and Olustee

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-1)      65 (0)       90           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+5)      86 (+9)      48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G13     SE  5 G12    SE  4 G8     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6100         500          6100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         E 14         S  6         

Dispersion Index      82           4            58           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH

42 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the city of Lake Butler

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-1)      66 (0)       90           

RH % (24h trend)      36 (+3)      84 (+7)      48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G13     E  6 G12     SE  4 G8     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6500         500          6000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         E 15         S  6         

Dispersion Index      81           4            53           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 43 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Starke and New River

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-1)      65 (-1)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+5)      85 (+8)      49           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  3 G8     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G15     E  7 G13     E  5 G11     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6300         400          6200         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE  8        S  7         

Dispersion Index      79           3            59           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 49 percent.

East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 42 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 




Including the city of Trenton

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      91 (-2)      66 (-1)      91           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+7)      84 (+7)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  4 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G11     E  7 G11     E  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    7000         400          6200         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         SE  9        S  6         

Dispersion Index      85           5            62           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds up to 10 mph. 



Western Alachua-

Including the cities of High Springs, Newberry, and Archer

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      91 (-1)      66 (-1)      91           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+5)      84 (+7)      46           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  4 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G13     E  7 G13     E  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6800         400          6300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         SE  9        SE  7        

Dispersion Index      86           4            51           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds up to 10 mph. 



Eastern Alachua-

Including the cities of Gainesville, Gainesville Airport, 

and Newnans Lake

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-1)      65 (-2)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+4)      85 (+9)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  4 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G15     E  7 G15     E  4 G10     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6600         400          6400         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE  8        E  7         

Dispersion Index      82           3            59           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 44 percent. West winds up to 10 mph. 



Western Marion-

Including the city of Ocala Airport

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      91 (-2)      66 (-1)      92           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+6)      85 (+4)      46           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  4 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G13     E  7 G13     E  4 G8      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6800         400          6500         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         SE  9        E  7         

Dispersion Index      82           4            61           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds up to 10 mph. 



Central Marion-

Including the cities of Anthony, Burbank, Ocala, and Weirsdale

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      90 (-2)      66 (-1)      91           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+4)      86 (+6)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G13     E  6 G13     E  4 G8      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6500         400          6300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         SE  8        E  8         

Dispersion Index      86           3            62           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 45 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Eastern Marion-

Including the cities of Lynne and Moss Bluff

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (-1)      66 (-1)      91           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+4)      88 (+9)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  SE  2 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G13     E  6 G12     E  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 2            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6200         400          6100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE  8        E  7         

Dispersion Index      90           3            59           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Mostly clear. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent.

East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 44 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Inland Nassau-

Including the cities of Ratliff, Hilliard, Kings Ferry, 

and Bryceville

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      65 (0)       88           

RH % (24h trend)      41 (+3)      87 (+12)     48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  3 G10    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  8 G15     SE  5 G12    SE  5 G11    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5800         500          6000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE 12        S  7         

Dispersion Index      80           3            61           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 49 percent. Southeast winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

51 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 43 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Coastal Nassau-

Including the cities of Amelia City, Fernandina Beach, and Yulee

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (+2)      68 (-2)      86           

RH % (24h trend)      45 (-1)      79 (+14)     53           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  9 G15                  SE  6 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 10 G16     SE  7 G15    SE  8 G16    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5200         500          4800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 13        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      75           4            55           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 80s.

Minimum RH 56 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 55 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper 80s. Minimum RH

58 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Trout River-

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (0)       69 (0)       89           

RH % (24h trend)      42 (+3)      82 (+14)     48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G15                  SE  5 G12    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 10 G16     SE  7 G13    E  8 G13     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5600         500          5800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 12        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      77           3            64           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows around 70. Highs

around 90. Minimum RH 50 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 49 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

51 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 41 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Coastal Duval-

Including the cities of Arlington, Jacksonville, Oceanway, 

and Tallyrand

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (+2)      70 (-1)      87           

RH % (24h trend)      46 (+1)      80 (+14)     54           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  9 G16                  SE  6 G15    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 10 G18     SE  8 G15    SE  9 G16    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5300         500          5100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 14         SE 14        SE 12        

Dispersion Index      79           4            66           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 56 percent. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 56 percent. East winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs around 90. Minimum RH 58 percent. East

winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



South Central Duval-

Including the cities of Ortega, Riverside, and San Marco

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      88 (+2)      70 (-1)      88           

RH % (24h trend)      44 (+3)      81 (+13)     50           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  9 G16                  SE  6 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 11 G18     SE  8 G16    E  9 G15     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5600         500          5700         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 14         SE 10        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      79           3            66           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the lower 70s.

Highs in the upper 80s. Minimum RH 54 percent. East winds 5 to

10 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs around 90.

Minimum RH 55 percent. East winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

56 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Western Duval-

Including the city of Normandy

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-2)      66 (-1)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      42 (+6)      86 (+13)     48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G15                  SE  4 G11    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  9 G16     SE  6 G15    SE  7 G13    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5800         500          6100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE  9        SE  8        

Dispersion Index      79           3            65           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 49 percent. Southeast winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 49 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

50 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 41 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Eastern Clay-

Including the cities of Orange Park and Green Cove Springs

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (+2)      68 (-2)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      42 (+3)      84 (+14)     52           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G16                  SE  5 G11    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 10 G18     SE  7 G16    E  8 G13     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5700         500          5700         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE  7        SE  9        

Dispersion Index      72           3            65           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows around 70. Highs

around 90. Minimum RH 52 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 52 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

54 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 45 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Western Clay-

Including the cities of Doctors Inlet, Lakeside, Bellair, 

and Middleburg

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (0)       66 (-1)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      39 (+5)      86 (+10)     48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G15                  SE  4 G11    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  9 G16     E  6 G15     E  7 G12     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6000         400          6100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE  7        SE  8        

Dispersion Index      78           3            62           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. Northeast winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 49 percent. East

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 41 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Coastal St. Johns-

Including the cities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Durbin, Palm Valley, 

Anastasia, and Saint Augustine

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (+3)      70 (-3)      87           

RH % (24h trend)      48 (+1)      79 (+14)     56           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  9 G16                  SE  6 G15    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 11 G18     SE  9 G16    SE  9 G16    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            2            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5200         500          4400         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 14         SE 12        SE 12        

Dispersion Index      78           4            59           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid

80s. Minimum RH 60 percent. East winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 61 percent. East winds 5 to 10 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the

upper 80s. Minimum RH 62 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 56 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Inland St. Johns-

Including the cities of Fruit Cove, Switzerland, Bakersville, 

and Picolata

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (+2)      67 (-3)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      44 (+2)      82 (+13)     52           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G16                  SE  5 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 10 G16     SE  6 G15    E  8 G13     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 2            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5600         500          5500         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 14         SE 13        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      85           3            64           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs around 90.

Minimum RH 53 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 53 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

54 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 46 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 



Eastern Putnam-

Including the cities of Bostwick and Palatka

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      90 (+2)      65 (-3)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      39 (+2)      86 (+11)     50           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G15                  SE  3 G10    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  9 G16     E  6 G13     E  5 G12     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 2            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5900         400          5800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE  7        SE  8        

Dispersion Index      86           3            61           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 49 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 49 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 44 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Western Putnam-

Including the city of Carraway

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      90 (0)       65 (-2)      91           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+4)      88 (+12)     47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G13                  SE  4 G8     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  9 G15     E  6 G13     E  6 G12     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 2            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6100         400          6100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE  7        SE  8        

Dispersion Index      80           3            62           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. East winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. Northeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 41 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Coastal Flagler-

Including the city of Palm Coast

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (+2)      70 (-3)      85           

RH % (24h trend)      48 (-1)      75 (+11)     57           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E 10 G16                  SE  6 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E 11 G16     SE  8 G15    SE  8 G13    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            2            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5200         600          4300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 15         SE 12        SE 13        

Dispersion Index      74           5            62           

Max LVORI                          3                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid

80s. Minimum RH 61 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 63 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the

upper 80s. Minimum RH 64 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 59 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Inland Flagler-

Including the cities of Bunnell, Espanola, and Andalusia

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      88 (+1)      66 (-3)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      43 (+2)      83 (+12)     52           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G16                  SE  4 G12    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  9 G16     E  5 G12     E  7 G12     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 2            

Precip Begin                                    8 AM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5800         400          5300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 14         SE  8        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      89           3            63           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 51 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 52 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 52 percent. East

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Southern Ware-Western Charlton-

Including the cities of Folkston, St. George, Homeland, Race Pond, 

and Stephen Foster State Park

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      88 (-1)      64 (0)       89           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+2)      89 (+9)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  5 G11                  SE  2 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G12     SE  4 G10    SE  3 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6000         400          6000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 12         SE 10        S  6         

Dispersion Index      84           3            59           

Max LVORI                          6                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum

RH 43 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the city of Homerville

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      89 (0)       66 (+1)      90           

RH % (24h trend)      34 (0)       86 (+8)      45           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  5 G11                  SE  2 G5     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  5 G10    SE  5 G8     SE  3 G5     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6000         500          5300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 10         SE 12        SW  7        

Dispersion Index      77           4            54           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 42 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the mid 90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. South

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum

RH 43 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Northeastern Charlton-

Including the city of Winokur

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      65 (+3)      88           

RH % (24h trend)      40 (+3)      87 (0)       47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G11                  SE  2 G5     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    E  7 G12     SE  4 G10    SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5700         500          5800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 12        S  6         

Dispersion Index      84           3            59           

Max LVORI                          6                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the mid 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 50 percent. Southeast winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

50 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 44 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Inland Camden-

Including the cities of Colesburg, Tarboro, Waverly, and Woodbine

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (-1)      65 (+1)      87           

RH % (24h trend)      44 (+5)      86 (+5)      51           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G13                  SE  3 G10    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  8 G13    SE  4 G10    SE  5 G11    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5400         500          5500         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 12        S  7         

Dispersion Index      81           3            60           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the upper 80s. Minimum RH 52 percent. Southeast winds

around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 51 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

54 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum

RH 46 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Coastal Camden-

Including the cities of Dover Bluff, Kingsland, and Dungeness

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (+1)      67 (-1)      86           

RH % (24h trend)      45 (+1)      80 (+11)     53           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G15                  SE  5 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  9 G16    SE  7 G13    SE  7 G15    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5200         500          4600         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 15        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      80           4            55           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 56 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows around 70. Highs in the upper 80s.

Minimum RH 56 percent. East winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs around 90. Minimum RH 58 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 49 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Atkinson, Hickox, Hortense, Nahunta, Raybon, 

Waynesville, and Hoboken

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      65 (+2)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      40 (+5)      88 (+4)      48           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G11                  SE  2 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  7 G12    SE  4 G11    SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5600         400          5500         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 10        S  7         

Dispersion Index      85           3            57           

Max LVORI                          6                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 51 percent. Southeast winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 49 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

53 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum

RH 45 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Inland Glynn-

Including the city of Thalmann

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (-1)      66 (+2)      86           

RH % (24h trend)      46 (+10)     85 (+5)      56           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G13                  SE  4 G10    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  8 G13    SE  4 G10    SE  6 G12    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5400         400          5000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 12        S  8         

Dispersion Index      79           3            53           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 55 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 54 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

57 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 48 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Coastal Glynn-

Including the cities of Jekyll Island, Glynn Haven, Sea Island, 

St. Simons, Country Club Estate, and Dock Junction

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            20           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      86 (+1)      68 (-1)      86           

RH % (24h trend)      47 (+5)      81 (+10)     55           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  8 G15                  SE  6 G13    

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  9 G15    SE  8 G15    SE  8 G13    

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      Continuing   

LAL                   1            1            2            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5200         400          4400         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 15        SE 10        

Dispersion Index      70           5            54           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows around 70. Highs in the upper 80s.

Minimum RH 59 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper

80s. Minimum RH 59 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the upper 80s. Minimum RH

62 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 53 percent. West winds 5 to 10 mph. 




Including the cities of Axson, Pearson, and Willacoochee

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      88 (0)       67 (+2)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+1)      87 (+8)      44           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  6 G11    SE  6 G10    S  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5900         500          4900         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 12        SE 12        SW  8        

Dispersion Index      80           4            51           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 45 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 42 percent. South winds

around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. South

winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 42 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the city of Douglas

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      67 (+3)      87           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+3)      86 (+4)      44           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  6 G11    SE  6 G11    S  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5900         500          4900         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 13        SE 13        S  8         

Dispersion Index      87           5            56           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 46 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 44 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 42 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Jeff Davis-

Including the city of Hazlehurst

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      67 (+4)      88           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+7)      86 (+3)      43           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  7 G11    SE  6 G10    S  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6000         400          4600         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 13        S 12         SW  9        

Dispersion Index      89           4            58           

Max LVORI                          4                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 44 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 43 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 40 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Alma and New Lacy

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      67 (+4)      88           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+5)      84 (+1)      43           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  7 G12                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  8 G12    SE  6 G11    S  4 G7      

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5900         500          4800         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 14        S  8         

Dispersion Index      87           4            70           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 44 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 42 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 40 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Baxley, Pine Grove, and Plant Hatch

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      67 (+4)      88           

RH % (24h trend)      34 (+6)      84 (+1)      43           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  8 G12    SE  5 G11    SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6000         400          5000         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 13        S  9         S  8         

Dispersion Index      90           4            66           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 44 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper

60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 42 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 48 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 40 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the city of Blackshear

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-2)      66 (+3)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      37 (+6)      87 (+3)      45           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  8 G12    SE  6 G12    SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5800         500          5100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 12        S  8         

Dispersion Index      87           3            70           

Max LVORI                          6                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 48 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 45 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

51 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 43 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Doctortown, Gardi, and Jesup

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      87 (-1)      66 (+3)      87           

RH % (24h trend)      38 (+7)      87 (+3)      47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  5 G11                  S  3 G7      

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  7 G12    SE  4 G10    SE  4 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5700         400          5100         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 13        S  8         S  8         

Dispersion Index      86           3            57           

Max LVORI                          6                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 49 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower

90s. Minimum RH 47 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH

53 percent. Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum

RH 44 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 




Including the cities of Needmore and Statenville

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            40           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      90 (0)       67 (0)       90           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+1)      85 (+10)     47           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G11                  SE  2 G5     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  5 G10    SE  4 G8     SE  2 G5     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    6100         500          5400         

Transport Wnd (mph)   SE 10        SE 13        SW  8        

Dispersion Index      74           4            58           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 46 percent. Light winds. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 43 percent. Light winds. 

.WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the mid 90s.

Minimum RH 44 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 



Northern Ware-

Including the cities of Needham and Waycross

247 AM EDT Sat Jun 1 2024

                      Today        Tonight      Sun          

Cloud Cover           Pcldy        Pcldy        Pcldy        

Chance Precip (%)     0            0            30           

Weather Type          None         None         Tstms        

Temp (24h trend)      88 (-1)      66 (+2)      89           

RH % (24h trend)      35 (+2)      88 (+6)      43           

Wind 20ft AM (mph)    E  6 G12                  SE  3 G7     

Wind 20ft PM (mph)    SE  7 G12    SE  6 G12    SE  3 G7     

Precip Amount         0.00         0.00         0.00         

Precip Duration                                 1            

Precip Begin                                    2 PM         

Precip End                                      8 PM         

LAL                   1            1            3            

Mixing Hgt(ft-agl)    5900         500          5300         

Transport Wnd (mph)   E 13         SE 13        S  7         

Dispersion Index      87           3            65           

Max LVORI                          5                         



.MONDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers. Lows in the upper 60s.

Highs around 90. Minimum RH 46 percent. Southeast winds around

5 mph. 

.TUESDAY...Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the mid

90s. Minimum RH 43 percent. South winds around 5 mph. 

.WEDNESDAY...Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Lows around 70. Highs in the lower 90s. Minimum RH 47 percent.

Southeast winds around 5 mph. 

.THURSDAY THROUGH FRIDAY...Partly cloudy with a chance of showers

and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 70s. Highs in the lower 90s.

Minimum RH 42 percent. West winds around 5 mph. 


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