KFSD issues Grassland Fire Danger (RFD) valid 2024-06-01T09:21:00ZKFSD issues Grassland Fire Danger (RFD) valid 2024-06-01T09:21:00Z003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097- 098-NEZ013-014-SDZ038>040-050-052>071-011230- Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Lincoln-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson- Pipestone-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Beadle-Kingsbury-Brookings-Gregory- Jerauld-Sanborn-Miner-Lake-Moody-Brule-Aurora-Davison-Hanson- McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas-Hutchinson-Turner-Bon Homme- Yankton-Union- ...LOW FIRE DANGER... The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the low category this afternoon. Favorable weather conditions or a high moisture content of grasses, and other dry organic material on the ground, indicate that the probability of a fast moving fire is low. Outdoor burning under these conditions can usually be with reasonable safety precautions, but should be monitored. OUTLOOK FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON...The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the low category. The grassland fire danger product reflects fire danger for native grasses. It is not intended for cured agricultural crops, nor will it reflect conditions in road ditches which have been mowed. $$ ]]>