KICT issues SPS valid 2019-11-29T01:33:00Z 605 WWUS83 KICT 290133 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 733 PM CST Thu Nov 28 2019 KSZ094-098-290345- Elk-Chautauqua- Including the cities of Howard, Moline, Longton, Grenola, Sedan, and Cedar Vale 733 PM CST Thu Nov 28 2019 Areas of fog with visibilities down to a mile are now occurring in Elk and Chautauqua counties. While most of the fog in these counties is around a mile or a little above. Weather conditions have created some areas of dense fog with visibilities below one quarter of a mile. Areas along Kansas Highway 99 from Howard to Sedan have had numerous reports of visibilities as low as 50 feet at time. Motorist are urged to use caution while driving in the affected areas. Visibilities can change rapidly dropping to as little as 50ft in a very short period of time and distance. Use low bean head lights in fog to ensure you do not blind yourself and other drivers. Slower speeds and increased following distance is recommend as well to increase safety. $$ Metzger